for ChronicoreZine#7
sometime in 2006 !
1.what the hell does xyxfxcx stands for dude? aren't you guys got that name from a pastoral club?
1st and foremost...i would like to introduce the Kids.... YFC is formed by 5 friends sharing the love of playing Fast Music. The Kids are Comprised of Drigo and Vincent on drunk vocals, guttwrenching screeches & fucked remarks, Mad Cao is stinking on his Bass and contributes to some noise conception, Coni is to blame for creating hipnotic noise with
Guitars and XJohnX is assighned as our Battering Drummer.
we all hail from the same shithole named Pag-Asa here in Imus, Cavite.
Some consider us Drugaddicts but were not all that. yes 4 of us takes alot of alcohol and drugs, yet we wont count out our straightedge drummer.
YFC?...youth for Clit!!! nyahahaha... thats why we named it after a Pastoral club so some religious people wont discriminate us. and think of the Respect we'll get from Religious groups. hahahaha!!! we were just playing with names... we would have named our band Just4Fun but the Christ gave us the Permission to use YFC.
Cao: YxFxCx stands for Youth For Crust.. I think, Warconi or/and Clyde could answer why Youth For Crust.
Drigo: Actually & Unfortunately it stand by your sick but initially it stands for "Youth4Crust". no we got our name accidentally. and where did you guys met? Who influenced you all to play and participate in this kind of scene? And who were the bands that inspired you all to make this xyxfxcx happen?
Drigo: We all met by destiny but eventually were all in the same neighborhood; Mary Jane is the main influence. Its not the band that inspired us but the alphabet that YFC is Originated from.
Cao: We live in the same neighborhood and we belong in a big circle of friends. Each of us have his own personal influences which brought us here together in the scene. YxFxCx's influences are Charles Bronson, What Happen's next, Spazz, some local bands like Aggressive Dog Attack and a lot more..
Coni: were all good friends and we all live and hang out in the same area. skateboarding is a big influence on them. I dont skate I just amusingly watched them from the sidelines smoking Dope, waiting for someone to get some air or getting neck breaking asphalt dive. The kids listen to a lot of What Happens Next?, Charles Bronson, Spazz, Capitalist Casualties, the oath and Yes, Slayer!!! Thus forming a strong pact. the rest of the guys I hooked up just because of drugs and alcohol.
3.are you all into drinking and taking mind altering substances?..
Drigo: Were just into drinking but were the drunk kings. Metamorpisis and Mary Jane, the double "M" in our lives except for our Drummer
Coni: Only Marijuana and Alcohol... no methamphetamines for me... is sex considered a mind altering substance???
Cao: Obviously the lyrics tackle more about on drugs, reality and Drigo's personal experiences in life. John Doe doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't smoke nor take drugs. Other than him, YxFxCx kids love beer and we smoke our insides. is driggo and his brigade doing nowadays?i heard he has dis alias of clyde?
is that his way of protecting his identity for some legal reasons?
Drigo:we are still recruiting new members or my brigade but were always still alive and moshing. For the record is just a split personality vice versa as Drigo. Drigos identity is protected by the Priory Of Sion.
Cao: HA!HA! I don't know what exactly Clyde A.K.A Drigo is doing nowadays aside from doing drugs everyday and getting drowned with alcohol as he fuckin' always. Maybe he stays with his family and raise his daughter..
Coni: Well, Drigo's name is Clyde. i think the one that named him Drigo was Mike Heart, The Termulator, coz when we were having a lot of gin at my place, clyde showed us his licence and we were laughing to our heart's content. Mike said "Drigong Drigo! parang huhulihin ka aagad pag nakita to ng Pulis" he's Picture looked like a generic drug addict straight from a pinoy action movie. well Drigo is A good Villain name by the way, doncha think?... nyahahahaha... that day Rodrigo Rodriguez was named.
5.i know hardcore punk/crust made a major influence to you guys..but were there
any other musical influences that made you guys create these trippy, catchy songs?
i mean were there any christina aguilera, britney or some pop shit that drove you to write those songs?
Cao: I'm gonna leave this question to Drigo. He might answer this question much better.
Drigo: Christina & Aguillerra and Britney are just our sexual influenced. But every member has its own influenced.
Coni: cum to think of it, id love to fuck those 2 pop sensations and record em on film and sell it to pirates. nah we just drank a lot of gin and Red horse. Plus the Hardcore/Punk Music we love to listen to. the Catchy Lyrics are Drigo's work. he's so wasted, he even got arrested for looking like a drugpusher of sorts, Illegal Face.hahaha.
this is Drigo's and Vincent's line of work. i only provide the fast guitar riffs. i Thank Drugs and alcohol, they are the greatest influence, 80% of us. know, i did some a little research on you guys and i learned that some of you guys, together with some of the nuclear punishers members, are in thesame college university.So how do you guys beat the crap out of school? do students there in your college university knew that you all are underground rock superstars? :-)
Drigo: long long time ago in a university far away. We Beat the crap out of them, we are still like Gods but not in a Rock superstar way.
Cao: We're just some ordinary college students. We go to school just to learn. only some of our closest school buddies know we're into this kind of stuff and we don't act like some underground rock superstars co'z we are really not.
Coni: i already Finished school, 7yrs of just pissing of professors and student councils. well its safe to say School is alot of fun but come to think of it you just dont need them. Self educate can suffice. reading and hands on experience is enough . Education and researching doesnt require you to pay thousands of pesos. the only thing i miss is the Girls in class, the Constant cheating on exams, smoking marijuana in the campus grounds, kicking Fraternity asses, drinking and fucking girls from other schools and the library(lots of free stuff, if you know what i mean). the only thing i hated in school was those fucking uniforms. guys are insane! very versatile and flexible and i don't complain on that. so how's it like playing in different circles of metal/crust/punk/hardcore gigs? where do
you feel more comfortable and fun? does hardcore appeal to you than metal?
Drigs: We never mind any gig whenever its hardcore/crust/punk or metal we just love to drink drunk punk everytime. When theres a gig and smoke weed everyday.
Cao: We really love to play with different kinds of crowd so, we will play anytime, anywhere as long as they want us to.. Drigo's word will continue to spread.
Coni: yea we've played with a lot of other scenes and places other than our local area of Cavite. i guess, yeah were flexible of sorts. and its fun it you think about it. Its Great to play at Metal scene Gigs, thanx to alot of metalhead friends and correspondents. and by playing in deifferent scenes we got to get to meet a lot of new people and make friends. Well, Hardcore/Punk and Metal really aint that different from each other, both are extreme and fun. We support the mixing of such scenes like what Roel Mores of Tripalium Zine is doing with the Rural Carnage shows to Mix the Mowhaks/Skinheaded HC/Punks and longhaired black donning Metal heads. the more diversity the better so the whole underground scene wont get lame and stagnant. A lot of respect is given by both scenes, Respect & Support matters a lot in the Underground scene.Did you guys also knew that weve been playing alot on Cavite City Kiddie Parties? the Cavite city Scene is somewhat comprised of a lot of kids nowadays. thay just lack the Hardcore/punk DIY Knowhows and ethics. A lot of education about the UG scene is needed. a lot of Rip-offs and Capitilism still rules there, stagnant sounds, thou some bands play their own songs, some still plays Cloned styles of their idols or they act like the bands they see on MTv. Thats why we want to play there to educate them (or to give them a culture shock they deserve)a bit that HardCore/punk is Fun and doing it DIY style is more than more fun...
8.if you would be given a chance to play in a band who plays brutal "disco" style gore,
would you grab it?
Drigs: no
Cao: Nope.
Coni:does it require us to play with Synthesizers and keyboards? no one in the band knows how to play those. for me ill stick to the Play Fast or Die attitude. i think Disco Gore wont fit in at all for me. I love Fast Aggressive music. we played with a band called pentavia and they sucked coz their drumbeats are somewhat pertaining to disco beats that dominates the nu metal scene in cavite and manila and the radio. there alot of Bands weve played with that fuses discobeats. well ithink this would appeal to the Female species but i wouldnt dare to think of doing it if it would compromise my love for Fast shit. guys have strong communications with rhe T4C mafia. I wonder, do they treat you with respect considering that they are sooooo furious about their straight edge movement? so how was that?
Drigs: long hair, short hair it all fits straightedge, curve edge its all the same.
Cao: Yes they do and we also respect them. Take 4 people are really good-hearted persons. They really are good friends of ours.
Coni: were all good friends with them so theres no problem. we are drunkasses and Druggies with a Fun Attitude. We dont Piss(that much) a lot of people in the scene. Our Drummer is Straightedge so we dont fuck with the sXe kids in the scene and even the T4C mafia. think of it, 4 of us druggies and a sXe drummer... how diversified we are. hehehe
all that matters is Friendship and Music. The T4C crew are old Buddies of ours so theres no misunderstanding on beliefs and lifestyles. respect for ones opinion dominates. ok nga yun e minsan nagfofood not bombs sila,yun yung direct action mostly ng mga sXe freinds. at dilang T4C na mga tropa ang straightedge, madami yan, kalatkalat. tropa naman e.
the only sucky part is that some people diss and disrespects bands/persons for their beliefs and lifestyles. I just hate Drunkasses acting like some oldschooler know-it-alls picking on kids new to the scene...hey guys we werent born all as we were, let the kids Have some fun!!!
10.amazingly,your song "ugat ng karahsan" has become the anthem of the crust/punk/hardcore kids. even metal heads like to singalong with you guys. how did you guys cameup with that song?
Drigs: its just a political song I dont know why they sing along with this, maybe because they can relate to what re are singin. I dont really know.
Cao: A rush product. Warconi did the Ugat ng Karahasan guitar riff on the same day we recorded the 7 songs for the compilation "This is CAVITE NOT L.A" with TAKE 4.
<BR>Coni:dont blame me, Blame Drigo and the rest of the guys...i wash off my hands on this topic. Hahahahaha nursery rhyme kasi ata talaga ung dating. Prang twinkle twinkle little slut. I just Made a 3 chord riff and a 2 chord riff for the fast shit wala e medyo kastama at pang psychedelic kasi yung gusto kong ingay nun parang pang pahilo. May kakambal yung kanta, yung Verum Song, its a 2 chord song and deals with drugs. Parang ang ugat ng kasamaan ay maiibsan lamang ng Droga. Hahaha combo lagi yun sa mga gigs naming pang praning kasi. E si Clyde praning hahahaha
11.just xYxFxCx's line up today consists of still original founding members?
Drigo: Yes and still Fighting for what we think is right and wrong.
Cao: John Doe and I weren't able to play with them during the YxFxCx's debut gig at DasmariƱas, Cavite.(Jegulo's Party).
Coni: Madami talaga kami, tropa talaga ang YFC since September 21, 2002. we let friends jam with us on gigs if ever one is absent or just plain wasted...Debut nga namin kami lang, clyde on vox, me on guitars and Vincent on Drums.. We are still The Kids from hell. minsan umuwi si drigo sa Cebu kaya si vicent yung pressed kumanta, minsan nakikanta narin ako para maingay. Minsan si Drigo lang wala si Vincent. Pero syempre pag pwede lahat, syempre mas masarap tumugtog ng lahat kayo andun, para kahit kainin si drigo ng moshpit tuloy tuloy parin ang ligaya.
12.i heard you guys are on the planning stage of releasing new shits? so what can we
expect on the next album of the xYxFxCx army?
Drigo: Someday well know, expect the un expected!!!
Cao: Unfortunately, we have insufficent funds. We are now accepting donations. (paging sponsors)
Coni: well weve been listening to alot of stuff now, back then i was drowned in What Happens Next and Charles Bronson, so we developed a Fun and Crusty style.. now ive been listening to alot of metal bands, thou i started from being a metal head, i guess a lil dash of metal wont hurt, ok just a bit. and to add up ive been listening to this Straightedge band called Good Clean Fun lately so i guess more of a Simple HC/Punk riffs pertaining to happy thoughts so it sounds fun to mosh to and so its energetic for us to play.and yes a lot of the still not so positive lyrics.
13.alrighty there! thanks for answering my silly questions! i hope you found my questions interesting!! much respect to the xYxFxCx kids!! specially of course, to you
BURAWIS! hehe.. now would you like to send some shout outs and guttural thanks to the people you missed to thank?
Drigo: Thanx to Da Vinci Code fro making me realize that we are all aliens.
Coni:Thanx to Roel Mores of Tripalium Zine for the support and letting us play at the Annual Rural Carnage Metal/HC/Punk Gig that unites the Best Metal Hardcore/Punk bands in the scene. To Corix B.& No Bullshit Zine for the undying support. we couldnt have met up with the Ologapo Metal scene if werent for you guys, also for the Cavite Assault fest at maragondon and the Mort Humain Gig at makati. To our United Angst Brothers, H.F.B., Neng and the S.A.17 kids, Censorshit, Drop, Aggressive Dog Attack. Our Buddies From Take4Collective, Sauna, ByStorm, Feud, Play, Half the Battle, Dance of Decline, Isvarah, FOrgiveness Denied. Ralle Ibanez and the Religious Nightmare and Loss of Control Crew. Also To Our Friends from Ologapo, Jayson & Aural Massaccre, Deney and Drastic intent, Kalawang records,Tris/jeff/randyl of Down From The Wound,Dyas and Dyam of Dissimulate, Fist Foundation, Nikki of the bands weve played with trough out the years.. Age Of Decomposition, Backfist, Pus Vomit, Toxemia and Patrik+Anto for this interview, AFM, Kill Ratio, Beauty of Doubt, The Weapon, Below, Richard Collier, Last Day of June, Disabuse, Co-arse, Not4Sale, Standfast, For the Kids, Lord Chiaphas, Vex, Tragedy 42, Nuclear Punishment Army, Vivisic(japan),Community Trust(japan), Sons of Lucifer(Germany)VItamin X and Himsa for playing here in the Philippines. Sanee of Crapsalad for the Rural Carnage Video. ASTKARO and the countless Productions from Cavite City for letting us play at their Kiddie Parties, The WHole Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Manila, Olongapo Metal and HC/Punk Scenes...To the People who makes the Underground scene Worthwhile and gives a lot of their lives to make shows/events happen... Lastly to Shabu, Marijuana, Gin, Red Horse and Our Loving and Understanding Girlfriends...And to Philip Jamal Martinez(RIP)... and to the person who wrote these well thought of and not so silly questions.
Send your mails to
Play Fast Or Die!!!
-burawis top 10 local bands (not in brutal order)
1.Down From The Wound/Dissimulate - both from the original sin city Olongapo, these guys welcomed us whole heartedly when we went there. 'Big Hand to the Ologapo Metal/HC scene!!!
2.Sauna/ByStorm - these guys were formed at the time Nuclear Punishment were still named Nuclear Termuloid .From Manila to Batangas,we consider them brothers-in-arms.
3.Aggressive Dog Attack - well who wouldnt love this band?. Great Lyrics with a dash of humor and Crust as fuck.
3.Drop/censorshit - these guys are our closest allies in Cavite, weve been playing with these bands for along time.
4.Toxemia/AFM - thanx to corix and the No Bullshitters/Jobless prod. we got to play in many places especially Olongapo. Thanx Corix for the hook-ups with bands and Gigs.. hehehe it pays to communicate and making friends!!!
5.Feud - well sXe or not we love these guys. plays fast shit, with a posi' approach. These guys are old friends way back to the Skateboarding days of the YFC kids.
6.Half the Battle - They Played Fast/Positive Singalong infested songs that you would want to mosh with.Easy is one fucked up american, coz left for the US already.
7.Play - dammit i watched them play 2 years ago at the Cavite Hardcore Fest and they blew me away. Fast/Aggressive Hardcore shit accompanied by singalongs from their local area kids! Damn Great band!
8.Chokecocoi - all womyn, that plays Brutal Metallic/HC... hey Girls still Kick Ass! So let's give a hand for the ladies.
9.Religious Nughtmare/Loss Of Control-these guys are great.Rallye of decadencia introduced us these guys and what do you know we share the common interest in Weed and Brutal Music.
*dugas ko e no 10 lang diba!?...pero Dami pang malulupit e... eto lang yung mga unang pumasok sa isip ko..
-xYxFxCx discography
*This is Cavite Not L.A.- Take4Collective - Compilation with our Local Pag-asa/Cavite Area Buddies
*YFC/S.A.17 - split - Crusties of the same feather, unite together
*United Angst - Compilation - With some of the Best HC/Punk band Found in Cavite/Laguna/Las Pinas
thanks a lot man!! high five!! : )
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
EATING SHIT [France] - "Paradox" Album Review
Chronicore Zine 2012
No comparison whatsoever but for the sickos out there just imagine yourself not playing with your balls but cruising along to the aggressiveness of those awesome legendary grindcore bands like Napalm Death with the added twist of listening to Solstice, just highlight the vocal parts minus the long guitar solos, replace with fast-phased grinding guitar tracks, some additional kick-ass samplers, and there you have it, a quick insight of this pure mind-blowing experience straight from France. Eating Shit's 24-tracks Paradox album is a killer must-have for grindcore freaks. The quality of the recording is great, and there is no question about the musicianship, this is no doubt a well-done job, pursuing artistry in the highest realm.
Or here are the links for our pages : (All of our stuff in streaming and download)
Chronicore Zine 2012
No comparison whatsoever but for the sickos out there just imagine yourself not playing with your balls but cruising along to the aggressiveness of those awesome legendary grindcore bands like Napalm Death with the added twist of listening to Solstice, just highlight the vocal parts minus the long guitar solos, replace with fast-phased grinding guitar tracks, some additional kick-ass samplers, and there you have it, a quick insight of this pure mind-blowing experience straight from France. Eating Shit's 24-tracks Paradox album is a killer must-have for grindcore freaks. The quality of the recording is great, and there is no question about the musicianship, this is no doubt a well-done job, pursuing artistry in the highest realm.
Or here are the links for our pages : (All of our stuff in streaming and download)

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Chronicore Zine 2013
- Hail Chronicore 'zine! Alex here of In Dark Purity 'zine. In Dark Purity 'zine is the embodiment of my passion for the music I love. The 'zine is in the traditional photocopied and stapled on the side format that features Underground Metal bands that I'm into.
- I just wanted to do more than just buying records and merchandise to support the bands that I'm into so I decided to do a 'zine.
- My passion for Undergrond Metal is in dark purity!
- Death Metal is the subgenre of Metal that I love the most which is why I mostly feature Death Metal in my 'zine.
- There are a lot of 'zines that inspired and continue to inspire me, but In Dark Purity 'zine will not exist if it weren't for The Grimoire Of Exalted Deeds 'zine. Bill Zebub is God!

- I honestly can't remember the very first 'zine I got my hands on, but for the first Metal 'zine, it's an issue of The Grimoire Of Exalted Deeds 'zine. My life was never the same after reading it. I love the 'zine's sarcasm and brutal sense of humor.
- I'm poor with dates, but it was most probably around 2000.
- I'm lazy. I have released six issues so far and I hope it's not the last!
- All of the above, but I prefer to trade it with amateur porn or panties of your significant other.
- Like the music that I support. I spread the 'zine to relevant channels in the underground.
- The first band I interviewed was Internal Bleeding. I've been a fan of the band since the beginning and I have been in contact with Chris Pervelis for a long time and asked him if he would be down for an interview and he said yes. It was an honor.
- I don't because I do everything, but windows, hahaha! In Dark Purity 'zine is a reflection of my passion and I want it to be pure which is why I don't ask for contributions. The only contribution I have is in the sixth issue. Maija The Goatess sent me a story that fed my sick desires so I decided to publish it.

- Indeed. Every issue is a struggle. As far as advertisement is concerned, I only publish the ones that has relevance to the music. I still love what I loved before and still hate what I hated before so my reviews will still be the same.
- To be able to release an issue whenever I can even if it takes me years to finish.
- I established Berdugo Records to further support the bands that I'm into. The label is dedicated exclusively to release records of bands from the Philippines.
As of this writing, we are preparing to release the Pus Vomit's "Stoned To Death" EP which should be out by January 2013 and Death After Birth and Surrogate Prey are currently recording at Demiurge Digital for the split CD.
- Light a candle in front of the mirror and say my name three times. You may contact me at:
In Dark Purity 'Zine
Berdugo Records
The pleasure is mine, Anto! Horns up to Chronicore 'zine! Listen to Autopsy's "Mental Funeral", Immolation's "Here In After", and Malignancy's "Cross Species Transmutation"!

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